Visit of Prof. Chung-yuan Mou from National Taiwan University

Author: Date:2016年01月14日 14:23 Click:

Prof. Zhongyuan Mou from National Taiwan university visited DICP on January 7, 2016. He gave a lecture entitled “Precision Control of Morphology of Mesoporous Silica” in the 1st floor meeting room of Dalian National Lab for Clean Energy. The lecturing session was presided by the Director Tao Zhang. Numerous of researchers and students listened to the report carefully, including the Academician Can Li and Prof. Jie Xu.

During the ninety minutes’ discussion, Prof. Mou introduced the progress of his group on the design, synthesis and applications of silica materials with three different morphologies. His lecture was vivid and illuminated that his works were highly praised by the staffs and students. After the lecture, Prof. Mou answered the questions proposed by the audience with patient. Copyright© 2012 Laboratory of Catalysts and New Materials . All Rights Reserved.