

职称 研究员 学科 分析化学
类别 研究员
学历 博士研究生
电话 +86-0411-84373001  84685940(FAX)
Email zshen@dicp.ac.cn
地址 大连市中山路457号 116023
性别 职称 研究员
学科 分析化学 类别 研究员
学历 博士研究生 电话 +86-0411-84373001  84685940(FAX)
Email zshen@dicp.ac.cn 地址 大连市中山路457号 116023



☆ 特种能源催化过程


1. Z. Shen, H. Li, L. Feng, Using ratiometric indicator-displacement assays in semi-quantitative colorimetric determination of chloride, bromide, and iodide anions. Analyst, 2011, 136, 5025-5029.

2. Z.Shen, Webster, A. et al. Detection of nitric oxide in tissue samples by ESI-MS. Analyst, 2010. 135(2): p. 302-305.

3. Z. Shen, X.J. Liu, Z.C. Long, D.Y. Liu, N.N. Ye, J.H. Qin, Z.P. Dai and B.C. Lin, Parallel analysis of biomolecules on a microfabricated capillary array chip. Electrophoresis, 2006. 27(5-6): p. 1084-1092.

4. Z. Shen, X.J. Liu, X.M. Zhou, A.Y. Liang, D.P. Wu, L.F. Yu, Z.P. Dai, J.H. Qin and B.C. Lin, Quantitative evaluation of the interaction between netropsin and double stranded oligodeoxynucleotides by microfabricated capillary array electrophoresis. Journal of Separation Science, 2007. 30(10): p. 1544-1548.

5. Gao, Y., Z. Shen, H. Wang, Z.P. Dai and B.C. Lin, Chiral separations on multichannel microfluidic chips. Electrophoresis, 2005. 26(24): p. 4774-4779.

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